A conversation that offers fascinating insights and perhaps a model for how to have civil and thoughtful conversations about God, gods and bigger questions.
What is The Biggest Question People Ask About Faith and God?
After exploring 200 big questions on the Bigger Questions podcast, host Robert Martin reflects on the biggest question of all.
Is There a Master Builder? How Lego Points to Something Bigger
Lego may give an insight into some of life’s biggest questions, and a pointer that maybe the atheist explanation for the universe is inadequate.
Beyond the Facebook Friend: How to Build Great Relationships
Many Australians have lots of Facebook friends but few genuine relationships. Here are four characteristics of a true friend.
How Can God Be Real When the World Is so Messed Up?
At the age of 9, Dan Paterson experienced a car accident which prompted a life journey exploring some of the biggest and most painful questions of life.
Is There an End to Infectious Disease?
An interview with Dr. Justin Denholm, infectious disease consultant and medical director of the Victorian Tuberculosis program.
What Happens When I Die?
In this conversation with humour and wisdom, hear how the death of someone close prompted this guy to confront some of life’s biggest questions.
Hasn’t Archaeology Disproved the Bible?
Is there any archaeological evidence for the Bible or is it all just a fabricated myth? We confront these big questions and more in an entertaining journey.