There is a Latin phrase I love: “coram Deo”, which essentially means that all of life takes place in the sight of God.
The ‘Three Books of God’ and What They Can Teach Us
There’s an idea in theology known as the ‘two books of God’. Brian Harris argues that there really is a third ‘book of God’ as well.
Guarding God’s Reputation: Is God a Moral Monster?
Have you ever pondered verse 3 of Psalm 23? “He guides me along the right paths for his names sake.” God has a reputation!
What Questions Did Jesus Ask?
If you want to be like Jesus, ask questions. The kind of questions Jesus asks in the gospels are fascinating and penetrating.
Why the Fabric of the Universe is Denim
Behind the fabric of this universe is a God who champions the weak, poor, and oppressed.That’s why the fabric of this universe is denim…
He Delights in You – Devotion
When we feel successful, healthy, and loved, we believe that God loves us. But when we like a failure, we often believe God has abandoned us.
Why Does My Wife Restack the Dishwasher?
When I stack the dishwasher, my wife re-stacks it. I can never get it right! So I simply give up. I think some of us are like that with God.
Guarding God’s Reputation
Have you ever heard a preacher speaker express a view about God that made you think, “Well, that makes God sound petty and small”?