I’ve already failed my 2025 resolutions. So as a psychologist, how do I deal with this failure? And how will I think about my 2025 goals?

Mastering Time Management: 8 Quick Tips for Busy Lives
If you have have a tendency to take on too much, these organisational and time-management tips will help you to control the chaos.

When God Says “No” Then Later, “Yes” – Strategies of the Holy Spirit
Experts tell us that strategic planning is crucial to the success of any endeavour. It turns out, the Holy Spirit knows how to strategise.

New Year: Will It Be Any Different?
The New Year will be different…right? Do you have those thoughts at the start of each year, only to have them again 12 months later?

“My Ambition’s Gone” – It’s Okay to Not Feel Motivated
In my 40s it would appear that I have lost all sense of ambition. I can’t think of anything I’d like to be or do, no roles I’m aspiring to.

The Different Faces of Ambition
On its own, ambition is neutral – neither good nor bad. It’s the content we apply it to that makes the difference, writes Brian Harris.

Our Deepest Desires – And Planning Towards Them
Brian Harris asks: “What’s the point of desiring something deeply but having no plan in place for how to attain it?”

Burnout or Bore Out: Reflections for the New Year
If the passing year leaves you with a sense of disquiet or unhappiness, ask what is needed to make sure this one will be different.

Why is it So Hard to Keep my Goals?
A quick search suggests that most New Years’ Resolutions last about a month – so if you struggle to keep the goals you set you are not alone!

End of Year Overwhelm
Feeling end of year exhaustion, and looking to the uncertain future, can lead to the double Ds: Discouragement and Doubt. Ever felt this way?