“We can share fire when our fire is ignited first. From various events that God allowed to happen in my life, He has ignited my fire.”
Hope Even in a Pandemic
God hears you and all of your thoughts and worries. You can put your hope and trust in Him that He will sustain you and never leave you.
The History of Revival
What does it mean to make history? Nelson Mandela, Pelé, Mother Teresa, and Albert Einstein are all names which are instantly recognisable to many of us.
Fear Not
In a relationship with Jesus we can have many life-changing experiences, but people’s opinions can instil fear which prevents us from sharing about them.
4 Ways To Host a Group Video Call
Check out these group video call tools that are available to help us stay connected and continue community through disrupting times.
Spread the Gospel, Not COVID-19
No matter how painful world challenges are at the time, these things pass, but the long term legacy on behaviours and society often remains.
You Have Been Set Free
True freedom is the knowledge that Jesus has triumphed over sin to set us free. We each have weaknesses and when we try to tackle these on our own we fail.
God Uses My Past — Hernán’s Story
Hernán knew about God as a teenager however, at the age of fifteen, he started smoking marijuana and later began to use cocaine.
Gone To Soon
Sometimes we are blindsided by the untimely death of people in our lives. They can be loved ones, or cultural icons such as Kobe Bryant.
Imagine An Online Revival
Online connection is a foundational part of the global landscape of today, changing the way we interact with each other and the world around us.