Don’t Just Find Your Tribe, Open the Circle and Let People In

May 26, 2020 | Relationships

By: Sabrina Peters

I think sometimes we can get so caught up in finding our tribe, our gang, or even our place that we forget Jesus was never exclusive but always on the look out for the lonely, the hurting and the isolated.

He didn’t just think about being at the centre of the circle, he always opened the circle and let people in. 

May we be a people that follow his example well.

“Then Jesus turned to his host and said, “When you throw a banquet, don’t just invite your friends, relatives, or rich neighbours—for it is likely they will return the favor. It is better to invite those who never get an invitation. Invite the poor to your banquet, along with the outcast, the handicapped, and the blind—those who could never repay you the favour. Then you will experience a great blessing in this life, and at the resurrection of the godly you will receive a full reward.” – Luke 14:12

The truth is everybody just wants to be loved. Literally, everybody is born with an innate desire to be known and to be needed. And we can either be women who help others feel seen, or women who’re more concerned with who see’s us.

I absolutely have close friends whom I confide in and rely on for wisdom, encouragement and support, but

My main goal isn’t just to create a clique around me, but to make sure people now they are welcome with me. 

Since the early days of our marriage Ben and I have made a commitment to having an “open house” culture and regularly have people over. Being a natural introvert and clean freak that’s not always easy. But, most good things usually aren’t.

Love often lies on the other side of convenience.

Author and writer Brene Brown sums it up perfectly, “Connection is why we’re here. It’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”

Love in action is the heart of God in motion. 

Of course, living an “inclusive life” isn’t just about eating together. It’s an attitude, a demeanour, a desire to place value on every single person you interact with because God does.

Beloved children, our love can’t be an abstract theory we only talk about, but a way of life demonstrated through our loving deeds.” – 1 John 3:18 The Passion Translation (TPT)

So friends, who can you bring into your world today? Who can you call, text, invite, reach out too? We may not be able to love everyone in the world, but we can definitely love a few.

And may I encourage you, don’t buy into the lie that you’re on the outside, that somehow you’ve been forgotten, misplaced or overlooked. I know I’ve felt like that before. But it’s simply not true.

There’s a place for every single one of us in our Father’s house. And when we truly understand that, we make sure others feel welcome too. 

Article supplied with thanks to Sabrina Peters.

About the Author: Sabrina is a writer, pastor and relationships blogger. She is passionate about Jesus and changing the way people think about God & sex.

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