‘It Ends With Us’ has a built-in audience of those who have fallen in love with the novel, tackling domestic abuse.
“It’s not love, it’s abuse”: Coercive Control
The NSW Government has released a shocking ad campaign about a disturbing – and deadly – form of partner control.
Your Old or Broken Mobile Phone Could Save a Life
A victim’s mobile phone is often one of the first things to get smashed, taken or monitored as part of coercive control.
Domestic Violence Causes National Distress, Reliance on Lifeline
May is Domestic Violence Prevention Month in Australia, providing an opportunity for renewed focus on the crisis.
Don’t be Fooled, Domestic Violence is a Christian Issue Too
On average in Australia, one woman dies every week at the hands of a current or former partner, and we will soon surpass the annual average.
Domestic Violence: The Church Can’t be Absent From Addressing the Issue
“Rates of domestic abuse in the church community are about the same as in the broader community,” Anglicare’s Lynda Dunstan says.
Aussie Short ‘The Moths Will Eat Them Up’ Goes Global with Anti-Violence Message
Australian filmmakers aim to address the issue of gendered violence in their short psychological thriller ‘The Moths Will Eat Them Up’.
Stop the Violence: A Church’s Bold Move to Stamp Out Abuse
Anglicare has launched a new youth program called Before It Starts aimed at preventing an all-too-common form of violence in Australia.
Indigenous Artist Mitch Tambo Celebrates Women on New Single ‘Dreamtime Princess’
This upbeat celebration of women track features Mitch singing in his native Gamilaraay language. He shared about the important women in his life.
God’s Voice Brings Grace in the Midst of Domestic Violence [Testimony]
I looked up and around the room and thought I was going crazy. I had heard God’s voice. Was I imagining it? No; I had just heard it.