Most unsolicited sexting and requests for nude images follow a typical pattern. Often our children don’t recognise they’re in danger until it is too late.
Success at School: IQ vs Personality
Research shows that students who are conscientious and open to new experiences score a full grade higher than the average student.
What to Do When Parents and Grandparents Disagree
Here are some tips to help you get your extended family back on track when parents and grandparents disagree on how to raise your kids.
Isolation Is Getting Harder for Our Children. Here’s How to Help.
As restrictions have started to ease across the rest of the nation, our Victorian children are struggling more and more to follow the rules still in place.
Raising Children to Love or Fear
When it comes to motivating behaviour, it is undeniable that fear is a strong motivator. But why does it work? And what does it actually do?
Helping Our Children Through Dark, Difficult Days
Talking to your children about challenges you’re facing is a daunting task. It can be so hard to be strong when you probably feel like falling apart.
How to Stop Telling and Yelling, and How to Connect With Your Teen
In this article Dr Justin Coulson explains how you can speak to your teen in a way that they’ll be more likely to listen to you.
How to Banish Screens and Make Mealtimes Matter
We’ve all had that conversation about those families who go out for dinner and then stare at their screens rather than one another.
The Art of Parenting: Knowing When to Step In, and When to Step Out
Parents who seem to walk the ‘involvement’ line best, seem to do these following five things consistently with their tweens and teens.
Family Traditions Help Kids Make Sense of Life
“Family traditions counter alienation and confusion. They help us define who we are; they provide something steady, reliable and safe in a confusing world.”