In years past, flying cars were the stuff of fantasy. But developments of the last decade are seeing them edge closer to reality, writes Michael McQueen.

In years past, flying cars were the stuff of fantasy. But developments of the last decade are seeing them edge closer to reality, writes Michael McQueen.
While 3D printing has been a fringe technology for decades, the numbers give some indication of how quickly it is moving towards the mainstream.
Instead of bolstering our arguments, ideas or products with facts, stats and data, often the best move is to ask a good question, writes Michael McQueen.
There are a range of cognitive patterns which we all believe we are immune to, but experience all the same. Here are 3 you might recognise:
20th century style learning, including memorising, cramming, and silently listening to teachers lecturing, has had its day, writes futurist Michael McQueen.
Removing friction and pain points for customers should be at the top of the list of a business’s priorities.
Times have changed. Consumers today expect openness, and brands that hold onto secrecy do not remain unscrutinised for long.
Technology is being increasingly integrated with the human body. Here are four areas that are seeing tech become more wearable than ever:
If people feel that their freedom is being infringed on, there is little doubt they will dig their heels in even harder.
With the last two years forcing us to embrace a new way of living, the coming year will see us leave behind many of the things we had taken for granted.