We know that God speaks to us, but there are three areas where it’s particularly difficult to hear his voice. You may already know them…

We know that God speaks to us, but there are three areas where it’s particularly difficult to hear his voice. You may already know them…
Which plans have you had in your life, which God has frustrated? Search your heart. Do you resent it or do you truly submit to his will?
Instead of believing we will hear from God at any time, perhaps we should recite this: “I hear from God when I am quiet enough to listen.”
Listening to the Holy Spirit can seem like a weird concept. How exactly does it work? How do I know if it is Him or just my own mind talking?
Even when we hear God’s voice, things can still go wrong. The interaction of God’s revelation with our fallen humanity means there are few solid rules.
Think of the last time someone whispered something to you. They weren’t on the other side of the room, they were right next to you.
For Aussie farmer Jarrod, it was a dream that ended up being the difference between delcaring bankruptcy and keeping his farm.
I looked up and around the room and thought I was going crazy. I had heard God’s voice. Was I imagining it? No; I had just heard it.